We think of this season of spring as an example of the beauty of new beginnings. So often in our personal lives we disdain the thought of starting over, and yet the earth shows us the power and beauty of starting new over and over again! Leon Brown, a former Major League baseball player who is famous for his inspirational quotes said, “There is no shame in beginning again, for you get a chance to build bigger and better than before.” New beginnings can look many different ways: standing back up after an addiction relapse, choosing to face old hurts in new healing ways, reaching out for help for the first time, choosing to be kind to yourself and resist embracing shame, stepping into the unknown of practicing new patterns of relating, choosing rest over striving, and the list could go on and on! The next time you are facing a new beginning, rather than dreading “having to start over,” remember spring and the beauty and power of new beginnings!